Some Random Bodybuilding Tips

Mix Your Creatine With Tea – Creatine, no matter the brand and no matter what it says on the pot, just will not mix with the liquid it’s meant to. My Prolab creatine said on the front ‘easy to mix and tasteless’. That’s just not true – it tastes horribly bitter and collects in a little pile at the bottom of the glass.

Have Pepper With Your Raw Eggs – Eating raw eggs is a quick way to get your body all the amino acids. If you’re like a lot of people though you might well find this… well… completely disgusting. A simple solution to improve the taste is to add pepper with makes it more savoury and a slightly nicer consistency.

Mix Tomato With Tuna – Again, plain tuna, as many bodybuilders eat it, is just unpleasant and bland. Mayonnaise is far more delicious (in fact it’s ultimate), but sadly it’s also very calorific. However, what’s actually good for you (high in antioxidants) and also mixes very well with tuna is a good old fashioned tin of chopped tomatoes.
Train Outside Sometimes – Training outside will let you work on your tan at the same time as improving your muscles. At the same time it’s a change of scene which kick drives the body into action, and supplies you with energy and vitamin D in the form of the sun.

Wash You Face After Working Out – It counteracts the contribution of a sweaty face to spots.

Do ‘Express’ Sessions When You’re Tired – If you’re really tired and don’t think you can manage a workout, then you should try and squeeze out just a couple of exercises. Maybe press ups with dips, and then leave it at that (make sure both target the same muscle group). This way you will still get a workout, but more to the point you will probably find yourself getting energised enough that you end up doing a full work out anyway.

Exercise in the Morning – It will wake you up and mean you don’t end up putting it off later.

But Wait Ten Minutes – In the first ten minutes of waking up your spine is more susceptible to damage.

Read Ingredients on Supplements – That way you can research yourself whether or not they work, and can avoid overdosing on regularly used additives. For example, vitamin B6 is in everything, but overdosing can lead to nerve damage.

Take Hot Showers – They improve your body’s production of growth hormone. As does sprinting. So there you go.

Take Supplements at Night – Other than immediately following a workout, the night is the time when your body is at its most anabolic.

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