(YOGA) Yoga Tips Given By Expert

Yoga - Can Help You Shed The Bulk!
Yoga for weight loss is a very gentle way to stretch and tone the body and makes it suppler again. Yoga might not be the best option exercise-wise if you want to lose weight quickly and mainly through exercising, but yoga can help you on your way to a slimmer and more toned body. Yoga weight loss means losing weight that stays off, if you keep practising yoga after losing weight.

Which Yoga Techniques Are particularly useful In Weight Loss?
There are two main yoga techniques that can be applied when you are trying to lose weight.
1.    Bikram Yoga
Bikram hatha yoga is the kind of yoga that most athletes and celebrities prefer as it helps to lose weight by burning lots of calories if you do the exercises at least ten times a month, on a regular basis. Bikram yoga weight loss occurs as this type of yoga is a mix of calmer yoga exercises with a complete cardiovascular, aerobic and fat-burning workout.
2    Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga yoga is a type of yoga that helps make doing yoga and losing weight at the same time easy. This system of yoga focuses on synchronizing the breath with a series of different, fairly complicated, postures.
The result of doing Ashtanga exercises regularly is a healthy body with a strong and clear mind. This is a very effective type of yoga for weight loss.

 Benifits of Yoga

1. Yoga increases bodily flexibility, staying power and potency that keep you in right shape.
2. Breathing exercise plays a great role in one’s life cleaning our body reducing dullness of skin and body, lacking the required amount of oxygen.
3. Regular practice of yoga strengthens your bones, muscles and improvises the immune power to resist against diseases.
4. Yoga postures and meditation helps to stimulate body cells to activeness as the blood circulation in increased.

Source by  http://www.yogamiracles.com

7 Surprising Workout Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making

1: You don't think about your tongue when you do sit-ups.

Yeah, we know it sounds strange, but hear us out. Women tend to use their neck muscles more than their abs when they do crunches. Totally uncomfortable, not to mention a huge waste of time. Shift the focus back to your abdominals with this trick: Press your tongue flush against the roof of your mouth before starting your reps. It helps keep the strain off of your neck so your stomach is forced to do the work.

2: You stretch before cardio.

There's no danger in sitting on a mat and trying to touch your toes, but it's kinda boring and doesn't do much for your bod. The best way to warm up your muscles and prevent injury before going on a run or jumping on the Elliptical is to mimic the exercise at a low level. So get on the machine you're about to use, set it at the easiest level, and exercise for about five minutes. Then start to increase the level until you're at the desired speed or difficulty. This is way better than stretching, since it gets your heart rate elevated and helps avoid burnout.

3: You lift the same weights every time.

Many women are under the impression that using heavy weights equals bulking up, so they stick with 10 or 15-pounders and don't increase. But if you're using free weights or weight machines once or more a week, you should be slowly upping the poundage. Since your muscles build up resistance over time, aim to increase the weight by about five pounds every two or three weeks. As long as you can do 15 without feeling anything more than fatigue (as in, you're not shaking, panting, or about to pass out), you don't have to worry about ending up with arms that could star in an action flick.

4: You do real push-ups.

Modified push-ups (where your knees are on the ground) have long been considered the lazy girl's routine. The problem is that most women have a hard time doing the knees-off-the-ground version and when they try, their form ends up suffering, making the move sort of pointless. So go on, do the modified style and ignore the smug look from the girl next to you who has her knees up. (She's probably doing them wrong anyway!) Plant your arms directly below your shoulders and keep everything from your knees to your neck in a straight line as you slowly lower yourself to the ground. Trust us, you'll still get a kick-ass arm workout.

5: You prep with a pre-gym snack.

Downing an energy bar before the gym can actually zap your energy. How come? Many of those bars are high in fiber, which is normally a good thing, but it takes forever to digest. And that digestion requires energy — energy that would be better spent on your muscles. You end up feeling sluggish and having trouble pushing yourself. If you're ravenous beforehand, opt for a banana, which is digested super quickly and won't inhibit your gym time. (Just steer clear of the apples many gyms offer at the front desk — they're high in fiber too.)

6: You overindulge afterwards.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with replenishing yourself after a strenuous sweat session — in fact, it's recommended you get some protein and carbs in your system within an hour of working out. What you don't want is to totally undo all the hard work you just put in, which is extremely common. A recent study found that people tend to overestimate the number of calories burned and underestimate the number of calories consumed. To keep yourself from eating so much your workout becomes pointless, make sure you check the label of whatever you're eating and aim for something in the 150 calories or under range. (In other words, not that mega-muffin at the gym cafe.)

7: You don't weigh yourself.

You might have been told not to worry about the number on the scale or heard that weighing yourself regularly is obsessive. But the scale is actually a key tool for ditching — and keeping off — fat. Experts have found that people who weigh themselves regularly lose more weight than those who don't. It could be because we can actually see the pounds come off (motivation to keep exercising) and we also get a concrete reminder that eating unhealthily for a week straight has consequences.
Source by http://www.cosmopolitan.com

Top 10 Fitness Facts & Idea

1. Exercise Gives You Energy : You might be surprised at how, say, popping in a workout tape for 30 minutes in the morning can change your whole day.

2. Fitness Can Help Build Relationships : Think of what exercising with a partner can do for a relationship, whether it's with a spouse, a sibling, or a friend you used to go to lunch with once a week.

3. Weight Loss Is Not the Most Important Goal : Weight loss is the reason many people exercise in the first place. But it's certainly not the sole benefit of an exercise program.

4. Movement Melts Away Stress : "Exercise produces a relaxation response that serves as a positive distraction," says Cedric Bryant, chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise. He says it also helps elevate your mood and keep depression at bay.

5. Exercise Boosts Brainpower : Improved productivity not only makes you a better worker, it makes things better for everyone in the workplace. Companies with less wasted work hours and less sick time end up with lower health care costs -- and an improved bottom line, Astorino says.

6. Fitness Pumps Up Your Heart : Your heart and cardiovascular system will function more effectively," says Bryant. "The heart will build up less plaque. It will become a more efficient pump.

7. Exercise Lets You Eat More : Pound for pound, muscle burns more calories at rest than body fat. So the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. And, of course, you also burn calories while you're actually exercising.

8. Exercise Boosts Performance : Your muscles will work much more efficiently and you'll gain a greater sense of endurance," says Bryant. In addition, he says, your reaction time and balance will improve.

9. It's Not That Hard to Find Time for Fitness : Indeed, squeezing in two or three bouts of 15 or 20 minutes of activity is just as effective as doing it all at once, says Astorino. Vacuuming the house in the morning, riding bikes in the park with the kids in the afternoon, then taking a brisk walk in the evening can add up to an active day.

10. Exercise Helps Ward Off Disease : Research has shown that exercise can slow or help prevent heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis (bone loss), and loss of muscle mass, says Astorino

Source by http://www.webmd.com